- British Heritage Cities
- bmi (British Midland)
- Council of Public Relations Firms - To archived site...
- Ellen Bari (author) - To Jumping Jenny Facebook fan page ...
- The Fresh Produce Group (Agency) -
- Häagen-Dazs
- The Hastings Center - To live site...
- J. Walter Thompson (Agency)
- Kärcher
- Marketing Manchester - To archived site...
- Michael Bronski (author) -
- the Pajama Factory -
- New York Lactation Consultant Association (NYLCA) - To live site...
- Rachel Maddow - To live site...
- Sony Consumer Electronics
- Susan Mikula - To live site...
- Trafficbuyer (Agency)
- VisitBritain - To archived site...
- Visit London - To Facebook fan page...
- Visit Wales (the Wales Tourist Board) - To archived site...
- The Wolf Group (Agency)